A quick reference list of the Function Keys with Modifiers and what they do.

No Modifier

F1 - Item Find

F2 - Time Clock

F3 - Accounts Receivable

F4 - Rolodex

F5 - DispatchMap

F6 - Schedule List

F7 - Jobs Current

F8 - Special Order

F9 - SalesEnter (SalesJournal)

F10 - Inventory Control

F11 - Reports

F12 - Database Search


F1 - Settings

F2 - CallSheet Archived

F3 - AR / Dunning

F4 - Rolodex

F5 - Streets

F6 - Schedule List

F7 - Archived Jobs

F8 - Special Order Archive

F9 - FundsJournal

F10 - Inventory Planner

F11 - Job Source

F12 - SDMail


F1 - Backups

F2 - Rate of Earnings

F3 - Export Customer Data

F4 - Finished Forms

F5 - Scheduled Archive

F6 - Schedule List

F7 - Job Reports Type 1

F8 - Special Order Requests

F9 - Applications Journal

F10 - Parts Lookup (SmartParts)

F11 - Special Situations

F12 - Tech Window


F1 - QET List

F2 - Time Clock - Other

F3 - SalesJournal View

F4 - Rolodex

F5 - Zone Scheduler

F6 - Schedule List

F7 - Job Perusal

F8 - Receive Shipment

F9 - Virtual Terminal

F10 - Margin Calculator

F11 - Security

F12 - Unit Info