Before you Update:
The first thing to do is locate your credentials (UserName and Password). These credentials should have been included with you initial software package and the introduction information provided with it.  Once you have those they need to be inputted into the About ServiceDesk page in ServiceDesk under the file functions menu.The above credentials are needed for any of the updating methods listed below.

Updating with SD-Helper:
If you need help updating you can download the SD-helper application here
  1. Open saved Download file
  2. Type the word install in the text box labeled command
  3. Click the run button
  4. Follow prompts if needed to select the SD folder where ServiceDesk is installed.
Once installed you are ready to use SD-Helper to update all of your Rossware Programs.  I recommend that you get in the practice of running this program at least once a month, more often if you have more than just ServiceDesk installed.
  1. Open SD-Helper
  2. Click the Update SD Programs
  3. Follow any prompts that come up.
  4. Close and start all program on all stations for the applications listed with the note "Success!"

Updating with manually downloaded file:
If you would rather you can manually download each program.  When downloading manually it is best to make sure that all users have have closed the program you are updating or the unzip of the update might fail.  Below are the options for how to manually download.
  1. Each program has an option to download.
    • From ServiceDesk:
    • Rossware Utilities have a button like this:
  2. If you rather not have to open each program separately all of our programs can be found on our web site download page.  Or from ServiceDesk there is an link to access the downloads page.

After you Update:
Not matter the method used remember the program if it was able to be left open and running during the update process will have the old version information  You will need to close and start each program to load the updated files.