This is a guide on how to manage your SD-Mobile Technician Roster

Tutorial Video on Adding and Removing Technician and SD-Mobile permissions

You have the ability to manage your tech roster at any given time. The steps for adding and removing technicians are outlined, below. Your monthly billing for SD-Mobile will be based on your tech roster as uploaded online via the SD-MobileLink. If you add additional techs the billing will adjust accordingly. If you remove a tech the billing will be adjusted accordingly. If you remove all technicians from your tech roster, SD-Mobile charges will not occur for the next billing cycle without any technicians present on the roster. It's that easy!


  1. From within ServiceDesk click on File Functions
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on a technician's name to bring up the Details for Tech Window
  4. Place a checkmark in "is using"
  5. Create a password for the technician
  6. Press ESC to return to the Settings Form
  7. Click on Save Net-wide Values
  8. From within SD-MobileLink click on "TechRoster" to upload the newly created technician credentials for the technician to use when logging into the mobile device


  1. From within ServiceDesk click on File Functions
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on a technician's name to bring up the Details for Tech Window
  4. Remove the checkmark in "is using"
  5. Press ESC to return to the Settings Form
  6. Click on Save Net-wide Values
  7. From within SD-MobileLink click on "TechRoster" to remove the technician from your tech roster