If you choose to have your technicians indicate a specific purchase order number on part usage you can edit that requirement in the Inventory control, and right clicking in the green field and choosing the option 'Setup for Parts Pull Strategy', and choosing the option to 'Must Indicate Actual Instance Used'.

The instructions below will demonstrate the steps the technicians will complete within the SDM2 interface to indicate the purchase invoice number that was used on a particular part for the job.

1.) Within the 'Work' tab, there is the option to Order or Use parts. Select "Use Part"

2.) This will bring up a window titled 'Use A Stock Part". You can manually type in the part, but we often recommend using the 'Search For Part' button, as this will display current stock items within your inventory.

3.) Look through the items, or you can also submit a query under the 'Search for String' field. Once you have located the desired part, select the 'Select' option.

4.) After that appears, it will insert the part information into the fields, as well as bring up a list of Invoice numbers that are present for the technician to indicate which Purhase invoice to attach to this usage. (You can choose not to select anything, and submit the job without the invoice number attached, resulting in the SDMail that we had viewed.)

After that, you can complete the PVR as normal, and it will correctly indicate that the part usage has a corresponding purchase invoice number!