The Parts Hotlist is a file designed to provide supplemental information on parts on-hand and not intended to be included in your normal stocking inventory. For example, you special order a part, which is no longer required for the repair. If you cannot return it to the vendor and do not intend to stock this part regularly, you can add that part as a line item to the PartsHotList.txt. The next time that part number is requested for a job, the parts person will be alerted with an on-screen message that contains the description that you insert into the description field of the PartsHotList.txt.

The file needs to be saved as a tab-delimited text file.

  • Column 1 contains the part number.
  • Column 2 contains the description.

Each part should have its own line item. This means if you have a quantity of a part higher than one, you will have multiple line items for the same part number.

The text below was taken from the original SD-WorkDiary entry.

1.    Open a new document in Excel;

2.    For each part number you want to call attention to, use a single line with two columns.  In the first column, place the applicable part number.  In the second, place a note explaining what's special about that item (i.e., the text you want your operators to see when that part number comes up). 

3.    Save the document in the required location, with the required name and required type. 

4.    Specifically, at the bottom of Excel's 'Save As' dialog form, there's a box that says 'Save as Type'.  Open the drop-down there and select "Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt)" as the type to use. 

5.    Be sure you're saving the document to the x:\sd\netdata folder (where 'x:' is whatever drive your server happens to be); and

6.     Be sure it's saved under the name PartsHotList.TXT. 

7.    Once the file has been created; you can return and edit it (add, subtract, change, etc.) at any time wanted.