This article outlines the steps for saving a Quick Entry Template for Sears for use with the ServiceLive-DispatchLink.

To create a Quick Entry Template for Sears;

  • Press SHIFT F1 to open the Quick Entry Templates window.
  • Click on "Add New Item to List."
  • Fill in the Payee information on the top line of the Quick Entry Template.
  • Create an HVC Abbreviation in the center of the form.
  • Select Sears from the Type Designator in the bottom right corner of the form.
  • Fill in any other relevant information.
  • When ready to save the entry, perform a Right-Click on the "Okay" button. (hovering over the Okay button will display a tooltip explaining that a Right-Click on the Okay button will save the entry to the necessary file)
  • You will be presented with a window titled "ServiceDesk" with a notation of Done.
  • Press OK.
  • You may now leave the form, your entry is saved.