We have in fact done a lot more work on this.  By trial and error, we have determined Dymo simply does not make any driver that reliably works across an RDP connection if used from within a 32-bit computer.  On the other hand, their standard drivers work very well, simply and reliably from any 64-bit computer. 


Possibly, you don’t follow exactly what the above means.  I will try to explain further. 


Between maybe 1998 and 2008, the predominant PC architecture was based on a 32-bit microprocessor.  Around 2008, 64-bit machines began to be available at the high-end.  By a couple of years ago, 64-bit machines became just about all you can buy.  What this means is any computer that you purchased within the last couple of years is almost certainly a 64-bit machine.  If purchased between two and four years ago, it may or may not be.  If purchased prior to that, it’s much more likely to be a 32-bit machine.  To determine which is the case at any particular computer, just right-click on its Computer (or My Computer) icon, and pick properties.  You’ll then see an information box that looks something like this:



. . . except it won’t have the arrows and green-highlight to specially point toward the text you’re looking for.  


In any case where you’re trying to make the Dymo work from a 32-bit machine, our final conclusion is that, at best, it’s going to be very hit and/or miss to make it work.  In general, Dymo simply has not made drivers that are properly engineered for that context, and you are very lucky if you can get the situation to work at all.  We have further concluded since, the problem is definitely in Dymo’s drivers as involved for that context (and not in any service we are providing), it’s not a matter we can bear the burden of attempting to solve on your behalf. 


If, on the other hand, you are having trouble getting good functionality from any 64-bit machine, our experience is these should work reliably and well.  So, if you encounter any such issues from a 64-bit machine, we will be happy to assist with troubleshooting in the effort to assure you get the success you seek. 


Please check.  I suspect you will find that all the machines that are causing you difficulty are 32-bit machines.  In such regard, I suspect there may be no realistic solution except to conclude that, unless Dymo can provide you with better drivers for that context, you’ll need to reserve Dymo printing for your 64-bit machines.