This article outlines the basic information for the SCS UC Listen to Recordings function from within ServiceDesk version 4/8/261 and newer.

Automated Linkage and Easy/Expedited Access to Recorded Telephone Calls (SCS UC Integration)

An update to the visual interface of CallSheets and JobRecords

  • CallSheets and JobRecords now have "SCS UC" buttons.

  • Clicking on one of those buttons will produce a list of call recordings if:
    • You have an SCS UC account.
    • Your unique user-specific SCS credentials are present in the ServiceDesk Settings Form.
    • The search query returns matches for the phone numbers that match the phone numbers present in the adjacent row.

Selecting from the list of Call Recordings

  • Items are initially listed in sequence when they were recorded.
  • Click the column header to sort on that column.
    • Reverse the sorting on that column by clicking the header on that column a second time.
  • You may use your mouse to make columns wider or narrower.
  • Right-click on any item to see options for playing or emailing the recording.
    • You may use CTRL+Right-click to multi-select more than one item.
  • Within the interface itself you may edit the search target string at the top, and query again.
    • Manually add more search targets, delete targets, and/or change one or more targets to only a portion of a telephone number.
    • Even a search on just an area code will yield responses that match that area code.

For listening to recordings, a user may choose to use:

  • the station's web browser (In some cases Firefox in the Windows 7 platform does not seem to work for this) or;
  • The VLC Media Player

Special considerations regarding VLC Media Player

ServiceDesk offers to download the player and run its installer.

  • ServiceDesk's download of the VLC installer places it in the root \sd folder.
  • If any instance of SD sees the VLC installer file in that folder, it will know it can just run the installer, w/o needing to download it.
    • If a prior instance of ServiceDesk has already done it, other instances will merely offer to run the installer, as opposed to offering to download it.
  • Also, if a download is attempted but fails (probably due to interdiction by security players in the system), the dialog that informs of failure also informs that the URL for the installer has been placed into the Windows clipboard.
    • This means you can just go into a browser, paste, and hit Enter to accommodate the download.
  • Because the VLC Media Player is not a Rossware product, we do not offer direct assistance to support its use.
  • In such regard, when a user picks the "Listen via VLC Media Player" option (and assuming installation has been accomplished) this message will display every five picks and up to ten times (unless they click on "Do not show again):

  • If the user is in a terminal services environment, ServiceDesk's effort to download and install on the user's behalf could be hindered.
    • For this reason, when a user picks the "Listen-via-VLC-Media-Player" option, and if the VLC program file is not found in the expected place, this is the dialog that will show:

  • Please notice that the dialog attempts to steer the user away from asking ServiceDesk to do the work if it's a terminal services situation.
  • If you need assistance installing the VLC Media Player in a terminal services situation (and assuming you have already internally escalated to your own IT person), please consult SCS support.

Not Yet Set Up with SCS Up?

If you are not yet set up with SCS on one of their very fine telephony-system solutions, it's something we very highly recommend. Besides being an excellent system in its own right and enabling this wonderful new integration, it also easily enables super-effective SD integration with Caller-ID and automated dialing. Here is a link if you wish to contact SCS.

WorkDiary Entry Announcing This Release