ServiceDesk Error Messages

Common Error Messages with in SD

ServiceDesk - Mobile Finished Form, "Can't Do It. Your Setup is Not Configured For It."
When receiving a message from the Mobile Finished Form in ServiceDesk that states "Can't Do It. Your setup is not configured for it." it is li...
Thu, 3 Feb, 2022 at 12:02 PM
ServiceDesk - Notification (Err 13 at Pt 5), SD SettingsForm, "Empty" Lat-Long, Type 340
When you update ServiceDesk to version 4.8.148 and the coordinates from the ServiceDesk Settings form within the Company Details section are empty (have not...
Thu, 3 Feb, 2022 at 12:01 PM
ServiceDesk - SD-QuickPic Preview, INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE error
When clicking on the SD-QuickPic icon in a JobRecord, you will receive the following SD-QuickPic preview screen.  When doing so if you receive t...
Thu, 3 Feb, 2022 at 12:02 PM